Angel of Melancholy

Serie: Large Format Artworks
Technique: Latex on canvas
Size: 95 x 135 cm
Year: 2007



Angels appear in the course of the history of the Jewish people, as messengers of God, as guides; as those who announce the law of God. 

Throughout the entire Bible, they are represented as a body of spiritual beings who are intermediaries between God and men. The Bible not only represents angels as our guardians, but also as our intercessors before our Creator.

Etymologically it comes from the Latin Angelus; from the Greek aggelos; from the Hebrew word "one who goes" or "sent", messenger; and it is used in Hebrew to designate both a divine and a human messenger.

Angels can take on human appearance.

They are generally described as extraordinarily beautiful beings that possess several pairs of wings (although pictorially they are usually represented in human form and a single pair of wings).

The angel in this painting is located in a terrestrial environment that suggests an architectural space with Gothic characteristics, hinting at a pointed arch, a typical feature of the cathedrals of this historical period.

Her gaze is directed downward, and his face is sad, an idea that is reinforced by the earth tones in the background.

However, a strong luminous presence arises at the top of the composition, which ignites the confidence and hope that all affliction will pass and be overcome by faith in divine grace.